Buying a house is unnecessarily fucking hard
The intent for this blog post is most definitely to vent and get it out of my system. You’ve been warned.
Daydreaming from home
This year I’m buying a house and I’ve been realizing what a freaking nightmare it is. And I’m not even talking about how hard it is to save the mortgage’s down payment in this economy when you don’t come from money. Or finding a house that you like and can afford. Or that the deal goes through. Those are three horrible final bosses on their own. But let’s say that you already beat those. The following and the in-between levels are most definitely not easy.
Why does everything have to be so freaking obscure? Everyone I’ve dealt with have assumed that I understand every step of the process, the names and acronyms of every piece of paper I’ve had to read or sign, what every single documents means, who I need to talk to and what I need to do. And I don’t know shit, this is the first time I’m doing this. I’ve had to figure out every one of those things on my own, reaching out to people, asking many many many questions, reading many many many articles, at the same time that I’ve had to make contractual decisions on them. What the fuck.
And this is even in a country where the process is somewhat simpler than others like France or the UK. And yet, just awful. It blows my mind that we haven’t figured out how to improve the experience. This whole thing is lacking service design know-how every step of the way.
I’m so annoyed. Stupid capitalism.